I recently read this article by Micah Buchdahl called Managing Client Expectations. I liked what he wrote, except the idea of “Under Promise and Over Deliver.” If this is your idea for meeting client expectations than let me tell you why this doesn’t work in transactional services. If you are always trying to under promise and over deliver it means that you have no idea when your document is going to be done. You likely have taken the approach that delivering on time means that you deliver when you think is best, not when the client needs or wants the document delivered.

Let me introduce you to a new way of looking at delivering on time. You deliver when you say you are going to deliver and when you say you’re going to deliver is 80% faster than your competitor is going to deliver. Many of you may know what a Unique Selling Proposition, or USP is. But for those that don’t it is a factor that differentiates you from your competitors. For example, if you say something like, “All clients receive individual attention to the details of their unique circumstances.” That is not a USP. You can find that statement on almost any other estate planning attorney’s website.

But if you said something like, “We will have your document ready for you within 48 hours of coming to our office,” that is a USP for people who need their documents done quickly. Or if you said, “Our documents will be error free or you will get your money back,” that is a USP for people who are concerned about having error free documents.

These are just examples and may not apply to your firm. The idea is that you need to do much more than just under promise and over deliver. If that is all that you have for your goal, you will not be unique to other firms in your area.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you create and deliver on your USP, sign up for our Document System Evaluation.

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